We also drove up through beautiful Sedona to Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon. It was the first time I had ever been there. It is awe inspiring!
This photo doesn't even begin to do it justice. After walking around, we headed into the gift shop to look for a fridge magnet (we collect fridge magnets wherever we go!), and what did I see, hidden in a little corner?
Imagine that! A Grande Canyon quilt!
We also managed to visit almost every quilt store in Phoenix / Sedona / Flagstaff, and I did a little shopping. You can't just go into these stores and not buy anything, right? And there were Memorial Day sales going on in some of them, so I got some really good deals!
Here's my loot. I have no idea what I will do with these bright fat quarters, but they were so pretty, I couldn't resist
Same with these solids and the pastel coloured ones below - although I'm sure a baby quilt will be needed at some point or another, and I'll be ready with these fabrics!
Part of the reason for our trip to Flagstaff was so that Mr. CGT could experience Route 66. He has always dreamed of driving on that route, so the bit that we were able to experience in Flagstaff was fun! And, in one of the stores, I found some Route 66 fabric.
I'm going to make Mr. CGT a pillow out of this.
More fabric, a ruler and a book:
I've got an idea for a Mariner's Compass quilt that I would love to make to hang at work. We work with people going through separation and other family disputes, and a big focus of the work is mediation. The Mariner's Compass would be an ideal symbol of the mediators goal - to guide people to a better way of resolving their disputes. This is a "someday project", for sure, but getting the instructions is a first step.
I also bought myself a hat. Usually I look absolutely ridiculous in hats. But I found this Anne of Green Gables style hat in Arizona, and I don't think it's that bad! Now I've got something to wear when I'm gardening. Have to maintain the pasty white Canadian complexion, eh?
Sounds like you had a fabulous time--nothing like a little getaway to get your creative juices flowing...Julierose
What a fun trip! I love the fabrics you bought. The Mariner's Compass quilt is going to be gorgeous and ideal as a symbol for your job. Your husband sounds like he had fun also!
great vacation photo. That is a site I would enjoy seeing one day. NIce fabric collection.
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