Sew Sisters is an online and bricks-and-mortar store located in Toronto. I've long been a fan (well, OK a customer) of Sew Sisters, and have been lucky enough to win prizes from them on a couple occasions. I can vouch for their great customer service. I can also vouch for their addictive clubs - I joined their Bargain Lovers club a few years ago. They send you a fat quarter bundle in the mail every 6 weeks or so. I loved getting those squishies so much that I continued on, much longer than I really should have! Now, they also have a Kona Solids Club, which, I'm guessing, is just as addictive!
Sew Sisters store site is here. You go on and take a look - me, I have to avert my eyes!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. The Blogathon page links quilty blogs in different parts of the country each day. Those blogs are each hosting a giveaway!! And, they are linking to lots of other quilty blogs in their province or territory, so you can check them all out. I'll be linked up to one of the Alberta ones on November 19th. See you there!

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