The property is 9.5 acres. About 5 are developed, and the rest are currently being farmed by the fellow that farms the rest of the quarter. The house was built in the 70's and, although it has been very well maintained, it has not been updated since it was built. It needs some work on the interior, for sure, but, for now, it's very comfortable!
And lookee here! A barn! We have no plans to actually use this, but it is gorgeous. My first thought was "barn quilt block", but Mr. CQT put the kibash on that idea. Not to worry - there are a couple other buildings that could hold a barn quilt block quite nicely.
There are gorgeous trees everywhere. We are having a challenge identifying them all. The previous owner was a bit of an amateur horticulturalist, and the yard is quite nicely landscaped. We are trying to identify the trees that are here using our "Lois Hole's Favourite Trees and Shrubs" book. Many of them were not on Lois' favourite list, so that makes it more challenging. I need to get my sister out here - she's the gardener in the family.
There are several outbuildings. This is one - it was used as a woodshop by the previous owner. With some work, it could make a good quilt studio. But, there's also lots of room in the house, so maybe not necessary. Mr. CQT has a huge shop, so he's in heaven.
It even comes complete with a privy! Luckily, it's not operational (although, in the first few days, when we were figuring out the well, it might have come in handy).
And, to complete the whole experience, we adopted this little cutie:
This is Ralphie. There was some confusion about her gender for the first few days, so she's ended up with a sort-of masculine name. But she comes to it already, so we don't want to change it. She's border collie, 11 weeks old now, and she's as smart and sassy as can be.
So, this has kept me pretty busy these last three weeks. I've been on vacation, but Monday, it's back to the office, and only out here on weekends. I'll have to set up a sewing room here too - I've surprised myself with how much I miss my quilting time.